I’m in the process of clearing through a load of timber that came with us to this house when we moved in approx 2 years ago. This is for a number of reasons:
- It’s pretty unsightly, a large pile of gradually rotting timber
- I want to explore if the space it’s taking up is useable for a shed/external garage
- The other half wanted a vegetable patch to use with the kids and somewhere to put her raspberries (that is segregated as the border they came from had bindweed), and I don’t want to dig up the existing garden
I decided to use some old decking boards and the frame of a pallet crate that previously contained the stone tiles that we used on our hallway floor to create a basic raised bed See the crate below with the pile of timber in the background.

The next picture shows where I’d cut the crate frame down to a more sensible size.

Worth noting at this stage, this is not supposed to be a particularly well built or well thought through project. I have no plans and I’m winging it to all intents and purposes. There’s minimal measuring, and no cutting, it’s fully organic in its development.

This is how far I had got, before having a few weeks hiatus, partly due to the commitments of having two young children, partly the weather. Note the Raspberry planter in the background, it’s essentially a decking board structure with some posts for rigidity, then some C24 grade studs up the back, with garden wire run across at roughly 12″ intervals. It’s quite rear heavy at the moment, but when the soil is in the base this should be countered and should give the raspberries something decent to cling to on their ascent. The back end is around 8ft, my understanding is Raspberries can grow higher than this, but it was beginning to look a tad ridiculous so I trimmed 2ft off the top.
Part 2 to follow…